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Camp Defiance Camporee

After mustering up at the abode of our good pal, Miller-Dofflemyer, we set forth from his homestead.
With our trusty mounts hauling our wagons, we aimed our course towards Camp Defiance. In no time, we reached our destination.
Scanning the terrain, we spied a suitable spot to pitch camp. Utilizing the lay of the land to our advantage, we commenced unpacking our supplies. Under the cloak of the heavens, our wagons were emptied, and we commenced constructing a drawbridge to fortify our camp. Dividing into smaller bands, we patrolled the area to safeguard our troop.
After securing a strategic entry point to setup our draw-bridge, we roped off the perimeter for added protection against the wild critters. With our perimeter established, we fashioned a towering flagpole from naught but timber and rope, a tribute to those who trod these lands before us.
Come the dawn, we emerged from our tents, each patrol rustling up breakfast in anticipation of the day's adventures
With our bellies full, we ventured into town, greeted by fellow wanderers who had converged upon Camp Defiance.
Exchanging handshakes and greetings, we split into three patrols, offering aid to those in need. Whether roping in stray bulls or aiding injured comrades, we reconvened for a midday meal, swapping tales of our exploits and deeds.
United in our purpose, we lent our strength and resolve to the restoration of Camp Defiance, weathered by the elements and relentless sun. As evening descended, our patrols regrouped beneath the sheltering trees of our camp, some whittling away at gathered wood while others reclined, gazing skyward before succumbing to a brief respite. With nightfall, each patrol prepared their own suppers before gathering 'round the town's grand campfire, sharing tales of daring under its flickering light. Camp Defiance lauded our valiant efforts, each troop receiving accolades for their toil and camaraderie, elevating the camp to newfound splendor.
Afterward, we dismantled our fortifications and perimeter, preparing to return to Miller-Dofflemyer's abode come morning. With our tasks complete, most retired to their tents, though a few chose to drift off under the starry sky.
At the break of dawn, after a swift breakfast and packing of our wagons, we formed a caravan back to our starting point. Unloading our gear, we bid farewell to our fellow adventurers before returning to the warmth of our hearths and the embrace of our kin.

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